Cobden Farm Bed and Breakfast

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Autumn's here

St Luke's Little Summer, October 16, was glorious. The trees in Sabden Valley are cloaked in rich autumn colours. Our holly trees are laden with berries.
A sign of a good summer...or a hard winter to come?

Cobden Farm B and B website

Apples galore

There's been a bumper crop of apples this year, too. These apples must have weighed at least three-times as much as this little tree in our garden.

Cobden Farm B and B website

Gathering for the big trip

By Sept 12, all our swallows had set off for Africa. There were more baby swallows than ever this year and the sky round the farm was full of their chatter. Roll on early April 2011 when they return.

Cobden Farm B and B website

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Thanks to Chris and Terry for the roots, we've got a glorious display of fat red poppies.
Spot the real buzzy bee and the non-buzzy one...

Cobden Farm B and B website

Summer solstice sunrise over Pendle Hill

June 21, 3.30am: After an hour's walk from the Nick o' Pendle, Sabden, to the trig point on Pendle Hill's 'Big End' above Barley, we were treated to the first sunrise of Summer 2010!

Cobden Farm B and B website

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Freefall gooseander-lings

This gooseander (left hand middle of the photo) hatched out her brood in the gutter of the farmhouse roof...30ft up.
First we knew of it was a loud quacking.
She was in the field, calling her brood together.
We'd no idea where they'd all come from until we talked to a friend. He said gooseanders make their nests above ground. Further investigation - and we spotted the nest high up. Definitely above ground.
These tiny gooseander-lings had freefallen the 30ft to the ground, bounced, got up on their webbed feet and scuttled to their mother. Amazing.
PS - the sheep and lambs wanted their photo taking too...
Cobden Farm B and B website

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nest building

Guess what are building a nest high up in the barn wall?
The pile of twigs dropped on the yard must be too big for the gap...

which is just the right size for a pair of jackdaws.

Cobden Farm B and B website

Our swallows have returned today. Hurray. And only 1 day later than last year. This year, 3 have appeared at the same time (only 2 paused long enough for this photo). Usually there's a lone arrival, with the rest landing later over a few days. We usually end up with 3 or 4 pairs nesting in the farm buildings.
Cobden Farm B and B website

Sunday, March 28, 2010

First daffodil of 2010 bloomed on March 22. Two years ago, the first blooms were out on January 31...

Cobden Farm B and B website

Monday, March 15, 2010

New born lamb hunts for milk

My mum's giving me a real good licking...

It's about time I stood up for the first time...

Finally, I'm on my feet. I can smell
milk. Now where is it?

Cobden Farm B and B website

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 2nd and a pair of marauding gooseanders landed on the pond. They're after the trout that the heron hasn't taken. Our Goose-y is trying to ignore them. And the moorhen (a tiny black blob at the pond's right) is waiting to attack them if they dare get near her nest.

Cobden Farm B and B website

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Day for the birds

The birds are flirting, ready for pairing up around Feb 14.

The bulbs and buds are appearing after the hardest winter they've ever known

And Monty, our Jack Russell, wishes he could catch Goose-y

Cobden Farm B and B website