Cobden Farm Bed and Breakfast

Sunday, March 28, 2010

First daffodil of 2010 bloomed on March 22. Two years ago, the first blooms were out on January 31...

Cobden Farm B and B website

Monday, March 15, 2010

New born lamb hunts for milk

My mum's giving me a real good licking...

It's about time I stood up for the first time...

Finally, I'm on my feet. I can smell
milk. Now where is it?

Cobden Farm B and B website

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 2nd and a pair of marauding gooseanders landed on the pond. They're after the trout that the heron hasn't taken. Our Goose-y is trying to ignore them. And the moorhen (a tiny black blob at the pond's right) is waiting to attack them if they dare get near her nest.

Cobden Farm B and B website